Woohoo!!! And this is my new post.....

So I am psyched! Spencer set up my blog. I understand this is one of the new things to do for your website. I haven't figured it out completely but we shall see:)Friday night I had my Power Yoga class at the YMCA downtown and had the opportunity to see the class thru a different perspective. I normally practice with my students but since I hurt my trapezius I decided to take a break. I like to practice what I preach- respect your limits. Well anyhow it seemed like a pretty intense class and everybody did such an awesome job. I met 2 new people. One person was A, who will be retiring here in about 6 months and moving to Thailand, he is retiring from the massage and rehabilitation career and did wonders for my trapezius. The other I think her name is S. She is native American Indian and will be moving out west. S and her friend attend my classes regularly, but we have never met. But they brought in 3 new students in the class who did wonderful.  B and A did wonderful. They are sooooo supportive of me and I am so greatful! Thank you! D did awesome.  I love the fact that everybody is not afraid to voice themselves in class. Most people hold it in. I don't want that. Most people go into classes to compete with others but my classes I see people feel more comfortable to express the fact that they are feeling it and challenging themselves. It was also great to see S.  S is such a great hairdresser and we got to joke about the Jamie Kennedy Yoga Experiment. You can check it out on You Tube. Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LxzYxox8QSo I want to see how this works when I post it. So I will write again shortly.Ciao:)


Yoga Yoga!


Hello world!