A 6 month Journey into Yoga Foundations w/ Brandy

Have you ever thought that maybe there was something more to this yoga thing than exercise ? Have you ever had a teacher during class give an emotional or spiritual lesson about life during and you wondered why?  Have you ever noticed how some people’s lives and not just their bodies seem changed by their yoga practice?Join us for a six month journey into the foundations of yoga and find the answers to all of those questions and more. We will be learning about the eight limbs of yoga as well as studying the first book of the yoga sutras of pantangali.  We will meet once a month for an in depth look at how these philosophies can change your life.The class will engage the participants in activities and discussions that are designed to be thought provoking and meaningful. Join life coach Brandy Givens as she uses these tools to help you transform how you look at life and the world around you.Meets Every 4th Wednesday of Each Month.6-7pmFee: Based on your package


Blood and wolves and lunar eclipses Full moons….


Noviembre en Raleigh news