Facing my Fear of losing myself and falling.

Just about everyday in my life is with a horse. I still feed at Peace Palace just to be with them, to love on them, and to be present to my fears. When I get the chance, I head out to Friendship Stable to spend time with Cisco. And today I got some time with a 3 great gals- my Mom, Allison, and Jim's fabulous Mustang, Reba.So good to have my mom around for support and to learn about horses. And so grateful to Allison in allowing me to move slowly with Reba. We took pics today of yoga postures around and on Reba.From the ground up is how I moved.I had to stay present to her energy, My energy, My breathing, and The world around us in which influenced what would be my next step.I hold my breath, my body tightens up. And she responds. It is never about the pose. It is about being present and facing what is real.My job is to move mindfully, relax, and mold onto her, evenly distributing my weight. Pressing on Stress Points of hers to release any tension. She gets a massage, I get a stretch and clarity of mind. Facing one of my biggest fears.Fear of failing. Falling gracefully. Fear of losing myself. Luckily I moved slow enough not to fall. Backing off as I needed.She is even tempered, patient, and sweet. Jim adopts Mustangs from the West and helps others in the process.Reba was one of those mustangs from long ago. He taught her not to fear humans.Humans that everyday fail one another and all of Mother Earth's creatures.But then there are these humans, Mami, Allison, & Jim, that are here to support me on this journey of facing my fears.Thanks for  your support during this venture. I want to show my daughter that we don't need to lose who we are in life by not doing the things that resonate with us. And for some strange reason Yoga and Horses really makes me feel a bit more at peace. And I am scared in a really good way.Moving forward this Spring with Growth and a Healthy Passion.This feels good.


So easy to get sidetracked.


Complacency by Convenience.