A feeling of Unity.

unity1.jpgThis was a gift given to me by my sister Monica. It stands for Unity.I want to create a feeling of community and hope that people will come here to gather and meet new people and find peace within themselves.

I want people to know that Yoga is for everybody. It is not about the brand of clothes you where or the car you drive, but who you are as a person. I want people to come to the studio and find their escape from their everyday life.

The studio is small and makes it so that you will end up knowing or meeting the person you are sitting next to. Though yoga is a mind and body connection you are not alone in your practice. We are effected everyday by our surroundings. When someone is sad you become sad and when someone is smiling it usually makes you smile. 

I love the fact that Ujjayi Breathing is also known as "Ocean Breathing"  because it sounds like the ocean. In class when I have everybody breathing alound it is amazing to here the individaul waves in each person. Listen to them all together and you will hear the ocean. It so powerful. One person may breathe shallow and another may have a stronger, fuller breathing pattern, but indirectly the stronger breather helps out the shallow breather. Like picking them up from a fall and I wonder if they ever realize the impact they are having on one another. 

Yes, yoga is not a competition and it is about turning inward and growing as an idividual. But it is each indivual that makes the world we live in today.

I hope you are able to learn and grow with yourself and with the world at our new yoga studio "y Respira".



Belly Dance at y Respira Yoga Studio....


Quan Yin - Goddess of Compassion and Wisdom