Embrace the Changes!

Embrace the ChangesWith Raleigh NC Yoga & the "Junto"

Surrender Like the Leaves...Fall is officially here and flying by like the "Wind in the Trees". Can you hear it? See it? Taste it? Smell it? Surrender with it!Make sure you are taking the time to slow down in your lives and see what is stirring in the Junto Pot.Winter will soon be here and it will be time to dance with the ghosts in your chambers.So why not join us in welcoming the many changes in nature and our daily lives.Here is what is happening at RaleighNCYoga:

Victoria is now about 7months old a growing. It is a dream to watch her learn to crawl, walk, awaken all her senses. She teaches me so much. Right now she is learning how to activate the arches of her feet (Pada Bandha -image below) in order to connect with the earth that will carry her for the rest of her life. This is where we all began and we must never forget it.

We must learn to sit, be content sitting in Sukhasana (Easy Pose), before we can crawl or walk. So that we can learn to move through life gracefully with Steadiness and Ease.

The fun thing is Victoria is just one of your newest teachers.

With that said, I wanna share the exciting news that RaleighNCYoga is switching things around for the community. We are now a We. We are what Ben Franklin would call a "Junto"- A gathering of like minded individuals with one goal in mind. Y Respira Yoga Studio is the new host location for many local healers and teachers to help you evolve in your daily life. We are here to help you heal, find inner peace, tranquility and allow your spirit to enjoy the sweet surrender of every day experiences and to help these experiences to move through you and be just who you want to be! A Happy YOU!!!

11th Class is FREE!!!
How do you Schedule you class:
We have decided to release the MindBody online scheduling system. All classes will now be by drop in and you will pay each teacher directly. The flat rate of $12/ class &will remain the same for all 1 hour classes. Since classes are a pay as you go basis, you will receive the 11th class for FREE!!!

Wanna meet the new teachers, then join us for the Flexitarian Potluck this week!Flexitarian PotluckFriday - November 30th, 20127pmMingle, Bring food, Bring a friend!

If you know of anyone seeking a healing space to practice there passions, please have them contact Claudia @ 919-633-8999.


Stress Relief Strategies for the Holidays!


A day of Thanksgiving with Raleigh NC Yoga