Happy Anniversary to Us! Going on 8 years!

malasanaIt is inevitable to experience obstacles in life. This year especially there has been one after another. Some smack you harder then others and the stings leaves quite a residue or how we say in yoga "impression". But in the muck of it all, it can be a good thing. It puts that fire under my ass to move forward. What we call "tapas". Passion. But I always try to keep it a healthy passion. This year has been such a year of my eyes getting dusty bc I am blinding myself or someone plain out throws the dirt in my face and then having to re wipe them with tears. Lots of tears. I have been walked over, taken advantage of, rejected, stolen from, lied to, and mistreated by many people and let me say, THIS has been all my life. Whether it was bc I was Puerto Rican, sassy, spirited, assertive, or not afraid to walk to the beat of my own drum. I am grateful to the people that were not nice to me. Because I AM Stronger and know myself more. But at the end, I am happy.I am going on 8 years teaching what I like to call "Preservation of the Self". Of the Spirit. And it has been quite a journey and wow so much self work. Happy anniversary to me! To us!  I have crosses paths with some amazing people also. People like Sarah my first boss that gave me soon many opportunities at the Hillsborough YMCA. People like my first landlord, Julie that gave me an incredible opportunity and has since stayed by my side like a sister. Who reminded me that I can do it and I am doing. Thank you Julie. This has opened so much for me. My mom, for always standing by my side. And most of all my student/ teachers that I am learning from every day!I have chosen a life where I am always meeting, teaching or learning with others that are not afraid to share their own struggles. Our day to day struggles. I am honored to see others cry and allow me to cry with them. Because I am an empath that knows it is good to cry together. To laugh together. But also to struggle together.You make Raleigh NC Yoga, aka y Respira Yoga Studio here in a little part of Raleigh. You make it worth every second. Because I absolutely love what I do and with that, I thank you for every time you allow me to guide you at our home studio.~Namaste


108 Sun Salutations


Self Preservation