It is all a process, Tiger.


12440532_10153867702482840_5451732944737484487_oHave you ever watched Winnie the Pooh?I have a great friend , Andrea that encompassed all of Tiger and she gave me the gift of seeing what a Tiger I could be. I recently had a consult with Kristie of Earthschooling on which temperament I am. It turns out I am also Tiger, with a bit of Winnie the Pooh, and a dash of Rabbit. The consult helped me to  better understand the Sanguine / Phlegmatic personality. Working with different students, especially one on ones I think it is valuable to understand how others think, act, and their temperaments. Everyday I remind myself that each one of us has a different right. A different concept. A different route to go from one place to the other. But first I need to remember we are all stones from the same mountain. Then I need to learn their language. And the tough times where I cannot listen or am being stubborn, I have a couple of mantras I use.The mantra for Tiger is- this too shall pass when overwhelmed.The mantra for Winnie is - It's all a process.These are ones I have to tell myself all the time for my sanity:)

What is your mantra? How do you make the effort to get to know yourself and all the teacher/students around you? How do you put the peaces of life together? One stone at a time.


Where did the snow go?


Anew beginning in the Death of Winter.