

Victoria honoring the Trees.

Hola y Namaste.My original intention when creating our Y Respira Yoga  shack in a private setting was to home school Victoria. Victoria is now about 20 months young and I have been researching on how to go about the socialization part of her homeschooling program. As parents we are to set the examples for our childrenAfter doing some serious meditating I decided to offer  "OM Schooling Co-Op"  in a truly eclectic and private setting.We are located in walking distance to Millbrook Park Exchange.No need to load and unload your little one from the car multiple times, just one stop is needed.This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents (homeschooling or not) and to introduce your little one to a few other experiences using the Yogic & Native American philosophy (No religions will be introduced or discussed). The studio is surrounded by lots of windows and trees (no artificial lighting at all). We even have chickens. Please note- this is not a pre school or child care. This is a parent / care taker participating experience of connection/ learning/ socializing fun time.Here we will all learn how to co exist with one another, live with the seasons, and find peace on Earth."It takes a village to raise a child". ~African ProverbYogic Philosophy:In our sessions we will incorporate the Pantajali's 8 Limbs of Yoga to guide Parent and Child into a non-competive world where it is possible to find contentment with the simple things in life.Parent and Child will learn how to breathe with one another and find healthy ways to communicate through love and laughter.Native American Philosophy :Children learn by example. In Lakota the word child is interpreted as "standing sacred". Within each session each parent will have the opportunity to rediscover their inner child and in turn allow they children to see them in the scared light.You will be the one to set the example for your children. With your guidance your children will:- Learn how to honor themselves.- Learn how to walk in a sacred manner.- Co-exist with the natural world around them.- Learn how to live by Love and not by Fear.



Puerto Rico Yoga Retreat


Yin Yoga with Rachel M.