$pending big bucks for Yoga clothes? Really?

$Spending big bucks for Yoga clothes? Really?If yoga is about what we feel, then is it really necessary to purchase $$$ for pants to practice yoga? This is an issue that has been on my mind lots. When people call and ask what to wear for their first class, my most common answer is comfortable, movable clothes. A t-shirt that is not going to fall over your head in a forward bend and pants that are not going to show your bits and pieces, maybe even pajama pants. To practice yoga there is no need to purchase a whole new wardrobe. Yoga is slowly turning to this luxury and competitive sport with lots of egos and fluff. True Yoga is getting your mind-body to a place of inner contentment,not over-elaborate accessorized garble.There are no mirrors in the studio only windows and Mother Nature does not judge us when she looks at us. She embraces us with her wander. She doesn't dress up in fancy gear to make herself look pretty. She is beautiful the way she is. Her décor is natural, like the trees. She holds us up like the trees and like the trees it is are job to reach for the sun.


Yoga Retreat, maybe a little hiking, golf, oh yes and you....


Yoga for "Dis-eases"