Why the Concrete Jungle?

Sitting here overlooking this beautiful river it just amazes me how people choose to live in a world so far away from nature. Those concrete jungles. They struggle for just a couple of weeks of immersing themselves in nature on a little vacation. Why not live with the forest? The smell of the concrete seems so unnatural. When I see the few trees in them trying to clean up the air it just saddens me. I understand people love the hustle and bustle bc it may make them feel more alive, but doesn't the struggle slowly kill them? Their spirits forever diminishing with such little fresh air. With such little green. I think of the people that have to wear masks so as to breathe. That really scares me. For them of course but for our planet. And if they fall down and hurt their ego in the rat race there is no sweet Mother Earth to catch them. Do they break or grow cold and hard like concrete.  My question is why live in a concrete jungle? I just can't wrap my head around it.


Step into the river


Be patient and go into the forest