Currently Accepting Female Clients with Injuries and Traumas. 

Reiki is a Japanese modality that has been practiced for over 2,000 years. As a powerful practice, Reiki benefits all aspects of life. Balancing the energy within. Bc it stimulates the body's own healing capacities, and increases energy and vitality. Claudia's Reiki assists in releasing pain, reducing stress, and relaxing the mindbody. Often compared to acupuncture, except the practitioner uses a "laying on of hands" technique opposed to needles to move the stuck energy.


How can Reiki improve your overall wellbeing?


Reiki removes the damns of energy that have been created by individuals hoarding onto emotions, experiences, disease, and stresses. Claudia obtains the energy from the Universe. This energy surrounds and fuels us in our daily lives. It is not the personal energy of the practitioner. We all need an endless supply of healing energy provided by the Universe?  During a Reiki treatment, you are fully clothed. Claudia rests her hands for several minutes at designated positions on your head, upper chest, abdomen, moving all along the Chakras. Reiki at Raleigh NC Yoga is one of few offering this magical modality to inner peace. The space is serene. The trees are embracing. The Air is clean and fresh. You will leave with a clearer perspective to whatever ails you. I encourage your effort to step into yourself and make our world a better place.

Reiki Sessions are 45-60min

Complete Intake Form Here.
Please contact Claudia by phone at 919.633.8999 with any questions.


Massage Therapy


CranioSacral Therapy