Changing the Game

La Vida No es facil.

Cuando encontramos nuestra Respiracion el juego cambia. ~ CMCCA

Life isn't Easy.

When we find our Breath, the Game changes.~ Me;)

Merry Winter is approaching and our little familia turns in for the day and sits together to be with one another.

A lovely breakfast, gifts for our little one, and a lovely hike with our boys.

So grateful for Megan as she will be subbing my 5pm Wednesday.

The evening of the 20th we shed our the final scales from the year and lightly discuss our seeds for the coming year.

A warm fire in our fireplace will be our friend.

I had hopes to begin building this year 2022, but alas the Universe said no,

bc the right person hasn't stepped into our world.

It is ok, Bc the right person needs to be the right person for us.

And we know, what changes the game of our life are the right people.


branching out to our possible partner or partner....

branching out to the world outside our home....

branching out to friends.....

branching out to community...

It all trickles from there bc dendrites connect everything.





To one another.

This coming year I change the game. A New Path.

Can't wait to Nurture our Nature.

~ Maktub



Soleil Membership


Mother Crone Series