Self Massage Series with Claudia

Let's move through the whole body or bit by bit.Our Anatomy series allows for the dissection of muscles and how they move.With the Self Massage Series we will apply proper touch to the muscles that cause tightness and tension.Class will be recorded for future use as needed.Thursday, June 25th - Full Body Intro 5:15-6:15pmTuesday & Thursdays 5:30-6:15pmJuly 7th - Foundational FeetJuly 9th- Lower Legs and kneesJuly 14th - Upper LegsJuly 16th - Hips & ButtJuly 21st -Lower Back & StomachJuly 23rd- Mid backJuly 28th- Upper Back & ShouldersJuly 30th - Neck & FaceFee: $10/ class or use packageIncluded in Leap Year MembershipRSVP Here 


Letters from the Wind.....From Claire


Dear Sarah... From LA