Tadasana aka Mountain Pose

Tadasana aka Mountain Pose is such a Grounding posehttps://youtu.be/HOPJjD0hzxgMany can easily think, oh this is easy. But have you taken the time to stand still in a mindful way. Paying attention to all your imbalances, mentally and physically.Try it:1. Find hip bones2. Place feet hip distance apart3. Line up the following and see if you can draw a straight lineankleskneeshipsshouldersear4. Can you draw a straight line down the center of your body in the front?5. Imagine an invisible stain attached to the top of your head6. Lift thru:ArchesPelvic FloorBelly Button to spine and up7. Soften jaw8. Engage:QuadsGlutei MaxCoreBack9. Soften Jaw again10. Most importantly...... Breathe through all of thisNow stand there for about 10 minutes without collapsing and Enjoy!!!


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