Sanskrit – Natarajasana

English – Dancer Pose

Shapeshift – Dancer Pose

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Lesson of the pose

“Dance as if no one is watching”

                                                Mark Twain

Dancers pose presents us the opportunity to reach deep within and soar to new heights. In this more challenging pose, we can remember that the journey is worthy of appreciation, wonderment, joy…and takes determination. Then when we reach a goal, we can do a celebratory dance!

Benefit of the pose :

 Helps improve balance, focus and stability

Energizes body and improves stamina and flexibility

Working on this posture improves all standing poses and hip openers

Systems it supports:
Skeletal – 
opens space in the shoulder, hip and joints of the feet

Muscular – opens hip flexors, strengthens leg and core muscles, stretches shoulders and chest

Respiratory – Stimulates and opens space in lungs

Circulatory – Raising arm overhead and opening heart space stimulates circulation

Digestive – stimulates and improves digestion


This is a more advanced pose so important to follow proper alignment moving into pose

 Students with wrist, shoulder, back, hip, knee or ankle injuries should move carefully into pose and may consider practicing with support of a wall



Boulder Posture


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